So today i had the unfortunate experience of someone treating me like CRAP or perhaps lower because i'm an artist. As you all know i've been working really hard on my freelance and will pretty much take anything at this point just to stay afloat until (if EVER..stupid.) i get a job. Today however was eSPECIALLY annoying. A friend of Enos' told to me about a "cartoonist" job for some guy. I didn't know his name or what the business was for, i only had his email and phone number. So i email this guy and without even answering ANY of my questions regarding his business he request to see my work. Okay fine.. a little abrupt but still fine. (mind you he did not sign the email so i STILL don't know his name). So i send him a bunch of work i've done and wait to hear back... as i'm sending the email i get another email... here's what it says, "Please look at the sample. Please redo it, and make them look like kids. Do NOT spend more than an hour on it, so that I can see what you can do in an hour. :-) If I use it, I will pay you for the submission. I need a person who can do one per day."... so i do exactly as the email tells me and when i'm done... before sending it i call the guy and ask what all of this is for. After avoiding the answer and telling me he's sick he says, "you seem like a really nice girl. I've just got a bunch of calls today and i'm sick and a lot of the people i talk to are under qualified for the position so i save my breath until i've seen that they can actually DO the job." i say, "well, i just wanted to know WHO i was sending my picture to before i sent it, i didn't even know your name." So THEN he tells me in one sentence that he teaches foreign languages to students and uses the cartoons as a way to teach them. Then he tells me to send him the picture i did. I hesitantly send the email praying that the hour's worth of work will get me at least the $20 he promises (i know.. WAYYY underpaid). Then he calls me back and tells me that i am way too good for this job (he goes on and on about how good i am) but that he only pays UP TO $20 dollars. WHAT!?? STUPID. i was like, "umm.. well i guess this wouldn't be a good job for me then because i can't commit to your 6 month schedule with only hopes of getting UP TO $20 a day." He says,"Well, let me tell you, artists are always underpaid. That's just the way the industry is. You probably won't be worth anything until you die IF that."....WHAT A JERK!!!!... UH... O-K. He's like.. "i'll go ahead and pay you twenty dollars for this picture because it's really good." Oh, how KIND of you sir....So he sends me a check via paypal and says,"
Thank you! Remember, when an artist sells his or her work the copyright owner is the buyer." Oh really? is that so? not for 20 bucks it's not!!!!! Here's the work that i STILL OWN .... with different text added for effect.
ps. i never DID find out his name.