Thursday, August 23, 2007

Too long to post... i know i know...BUT

Yes... the background was added right before i scanned. HA... its horrible.
I know it looks like the little girl on the top left is holding her crotch... sorry about that.. HAHA. (below)
Okay so i have a good excuse...i was on vacation for a week and a half... i know that doesn't account for the other what...2 weeks? ahh screw it. Here are a few things i learned....FIRST off...geoffrey is pure drama...for those of you who DON'T know... he almost caused us to lose the place we live because it turns out that Janae (my good friend who lives upstairs) is allergic. LUCKILY, we don't have to find a new place to live... we'll just buy a really expensive hepa filter but at least it won't cost as much as moving again. SECOND, apparently while we were on vacation... Geoffrey was reckless and ended up cutting himself with his own toe... I've concluded that this was because he is the grandkitty of someone who once owned a chubby hand and could rid herself of it only through extensive steroid and antibiotic use. Geoffrey has fallen victim as well. But it looks like he will be fine. What an unnecessary amount of DRAMA!!!... good thing we love him. I put some pictures up of him to remind everyone how it all started. ( i know... it's a CAT... but i still love him so much) Just a sweet baby boy on mawmaw's stomach. Evil kitty plans.... In his favorite spot between the window and the blinds and yes... he lays on his back frequently. Okay... i'm done being a psychopath about my cat.


Tara said...

Hurray for my "handsome, chubby, stud-muffin" brother and his "gorgeous, not-chubby, flamin" wife! I know you have been busy, your forgiven for the delay. It's a good thing you have had drama in your life, or what could you blame the lack of bloggin on? Thank goodness you don't have to move. Now I can throw away all those boxes, I was really worried there for a while. As always, love the drawings! (isn't Matt cute, doesn't it just make you so happy? you have to bring him with you on one of your visits to our house, ok?)

mica said...

Aw, Geoffrey! I miss his well as yours and brothers:)

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

Very nice pictures, I love them all. But where are your new clothes from Fossil?? I'm posting mine today and mother swears that one of our shirts are exatly the same except different color. You need to draw more bech drawings...I like the one of you and Enos but what about all the other beach goers that were in our clan and their usual happenings throughout the week!?!?

Tara said...

Dear Lindsay, thanks for the comments on my blog, I LOVE comments! Geoffrey is big now, he was SO cute when he was a baby! Was he really thinking of evil plans when he was under the couch? You know the kitty with the gun must be Geoffrey's evil friend. Love, Jade

Anonymous said...

HOW COOL! I love your picures! I didn't know you updated so frequently or I would have been checking it more!

I am the Marketing Director, by the way!