Thursday, August 07, 2008

another superhero

wonder woman has always been my second favorite super hero. I used to dress up as her every once in a while as a child and walk around with a strut and red lipstick. It was awesome. who was number one? Superman. I used to dress up like him EVERY DAY.


Amanda said...

I LOVED wonder woman too---AWESOME pic!

HotChocolate said...

I LOVED my Wonder Woman Under-roos! They were the coolest & so was I when I wore them...too bad they don't make them in adult sizes. Can you imagine how funny that would be...knowing you had wonder woman underwear on under your clothes? LOL

Unknown said...

I have a photo that would complement this post very nicely, Wonder Woman... Hee hee!

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

kora was just asking me the other day who wonder woman was and since we didn't have internet i couldn't google it and show her. i'm gonna show her this pic and she's gonna fall in love immediately i know it. she's all for anything sexy.

Jessica the Jacked LDS said...

okay..just showed her the pic and she asked if she can be that for halloween and she wants to know if we can get the wig too.